Readme for tdsbackup.exe 1) it must run on the SERVER. 2) must install store procedure sp_TDSDatabaseBack.sql for sqlserver backup beforehand. 3) it will look up file under the path indicated in c:\documents and setting\username\.tradelink\path.conf 4) it will backup all files under the directory find in step 2. 5) it will look up the under ~\OTTO\db.poperties to determine whether sqlserver exist or not, and which sql server was used. 6) When full copy, dialog box will prompt, user can interrupt it. It will not in "delta" copy. Usage is tdsbackup.exe "c:\backupdir" "logfile" "prompt" "copydeltaonly" (i.e. tdsbackup.exe "c:\backup" - backup to c:\backup directory, log file write to current path\tdsbackuplog.txtDD) (i.e. tdsbackup.exe "c:\backup" "default" "Y" "N" - backup to c:\backup directory, log file write to current path\tdsbackuplog.txtDD, Msgbox prompt while run, full copy) (i.e. tdsbackup.exe "c:\backup" "c:\logfile" - backup to c:\backup directory, log file write to c:\logfile, no prompt up) Readme for tdsrestore.exe 1) it must run on the SERVER. 2) it will look up file under the path indicated in c:\documents and setting\username\.tradelink\path.conf 3) it will look up the under ~\OTTO\db.poperties to determine whether sqlserver exist or not, and which sql server was used. Usage is tdsrestore "c:\backupdir" (i.e. tdsrestore.exe "c:\backup"